Workshops & Intensives

Fall 24 Sept Workshop series Hybrid: in person and live online. see below

you can buy 1 or all 3 workshops, Early bIrd expires on July 15

Sunday     9/15  Easy Neck & Pelvic Floor 2:30;    

Thursday 9/19 Hip joints, Feet and Pelvis

Sunday     9/22 Posture in Action  

Intensive: if you want to join the online classes during the week to make it an Intensive you can add Tuesday, Friday and Saturday class for $30.

You can purchase all recordings of the workshops for $30 or for $14 a piece.


examples of workshops


– LIVE ONLINE, Interactive w/Eva Alewa Geueke & SmartMoves


3,5 Hours

with Eva Alewa Geueke

Love heals

In the month of love, Eva Geueke emphasizes how to move in such a loving way that movement becomes medicine and can heal mend and open up. Moving slowly with care and without force, you learn to develop a nonviolent relationship with your nervous system, bones, muscles, and ligaments as if you say to yourself while you move ‘I love you!’ These workshops are also a great Valentine’s gift!

Loving your hips    1st day Hybrid

The pelvic area with the hip joints is our powerhouse of locomotion and our grounding and joy. 

Learn how to lovingly take care of your pelvis, hip joints and knees to live more fully and act powerfully and on top prevent damage, reduce or reverse the damage already done. In fact, Dr. Feldenkrais created this method because he had a very injured and arthritic knee. He was not only able to get back to walking and Judo without surgery but created a worldwide renowned method. One of the titles of his books is ‘The Potent self’

These Feldenkrais® lessons will help you improve mobility. They will organize ligaments and muscles around the joints and distribute their workload correctly to have you walking or dancing with ease. To facilitate walking and running the pelvis has to be mobile and strong. The strongest muscles are attached to the pelvis. In this workshop, you learn how to use that power in a coordinated efficient movement and how to use your pelvic floor to be upright and relax your neck.

The pelvic floor is involved in many basic life functions as varied as digestion, elimination, reproduction, breathing, lovemaking. Improvement starts with awareness. The movement of the pelvic floor is subtle, and yet it is possible for all of us to feel its effect. If you want to improve the function of the pelvic floor, you have to learn how to contract and relax all of it, in a balanced and more equal manner. This is what makes your pelvic floor healthier and stronger, using all parts coordinated with your whole body.


Loving your feet     

Let’s love our feet! If you want to feel good then make your feet feel good! Happy feet give you pleasure.  What does love have to do with this? If you love something you give it special attention. The other way around is, if you give it special attention through loving movement and touch, it is like saying ‘I love you”.

In this workshop, you will learn easily repeatable movements that make your feet mobile and strong while working on good posture at the same time. Having painful or deformed feet and toes from wrong weight distribution and negligence can be literally a drag. Regaining flexible, spacious toes, feet and ankles are of vital importance for balance and posture. We can change our posture from the neck down or from the feet up.

Smart Moves® for children

Functional Integration FI® one on one

Put Spring in Your Legs


'Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.'

'Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so'. 


'What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds and to restore each person to their human dignity.'

 Dr. Feldenkrais