Feldenkrais, RSS und Qigong online auf Deutsch

Sonntag 20:15  

Mittwoch 20:15  


1. Sonntag    20.15 - 21.15 Feldenkrais



2. Sonntag   19.30-20.00 RSS 

bitte jedesmal mindestens 30 Min vorher anmelden mit Email: evamariahilde@icloud.com 

0,5 von einer Karte oder 10 Euro ohne Karte 15 Euro 


3. Dienstag 19:30 - 20:00 RSS. Für RSS bitte jedesmal mindestens 30 Min vorher anmelden mit Email: evamariahilde@icloud.com

0,5 von einer Karte oder 10 Euro ohne Karte 15 Euro


4. Mittwoch 20.15 - 21.15 Feldenkrais



5. Samstag  08:45 -10:00 Feldenkrais/Qigong (Bilingual) ab September)  bitte jedesmal mindestens 60 Min vorher anmelden mit Email: evamariahilde@icloud.com


Samstagmorgen Qigong/ Feldenkrais fällt bei Workshops und auf Reisen aus. Bitte vorher anmelden.

Feldenkrais/Smartmoves: 1, 10, 12 oder 20 Klassenpass

12-Karte 145 Dollar hat       15 Wochen Laufzeit     (12 Euro pro Unterricht)

10-Karte 150 Dollar hat       20 Wochen Laufzeit     (15 Euro p U) 

20-Karte 220 Dollar hat       19 Wochen Laufzeit     (11 Euro p U)  auch buchbar als Familienkarte, empfehlenswert für 1-2 x jede Woche oder mit Partner)

Schnupperserie 5 x Feldenkrais oder RSS (15.60 Euro p U) 78 Euro 

1x Hula oder RSS online 15 Dollar

Du kannst mit PayPal über Freunde und Familie mit der Email Addresse: evamariahilde@icloud.com bezahlen. (Nicht auf dieser Seite)

Oder hier mit mit dem Warenkorb und der Kreditkarte.


Nach Bezahlung bekommst Du den Link, der im Prinzip immer der Gleiche bleibt.


Feldenkrais classes and passes


  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days

 Class descriptions

*Feldenkrais®/ATM® - Awareness through Movement 

Feldenkrais empowers the student/client to re-acquaint with themselves and their unique abilities, finding their optimal way from within through Awareness. In looking for one’s own way of moving during Feldenkrais ATM (Awareness through Movement -group classes) or FI (Functional Integration-Hands on), one engages the entire physiology and nervous system, creating new patterns of thought and action throughout the system. Since every pattern and every movement creates unique patterns and combinations in the brain and body, each person constantly expands neural connections, which are subsequently applied to all aspects of life: the ability to heal, learn, communicate, handle stress, enjoy activities, and so on.

 Liberate Breath & Spiral Movement: specific Breath & sound open and release places in our body that we cannot reach otherwise. We can unwind and hydrate fascia and muscles by adding spiral movements with the sounding. Aging is a process that has to do with drying out. Too much repetitive and linear movement will dry us. WaveContinuum is magic in hydrating your tissue and bones and preventing stiffness and aging.
Workshops, look out for the announcement


is an ancient movement art from China developed by the Taoists (a philosophy developed out of meditation and observing the laws of nature, such as Ying and Yang) used for balance, strength, and health. Eva’s lineage is from Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao, but she has incorporated other lineages as well as the Japanese Jin Shin Jyiutsu. One of the aims of Qigong is to harness energy for a long healthy, productive life and to develop all of our human capacities and positive virtues possible.


*Release, Stretch & Strengthen:

This class is a smart way to stretch, align, and strengthen the core and fascia. This training is informed by Eva Alewa’s 40 years of movement studies and experience: Contemporary Dance, Release Technique, Feldenkrais, Body-Mind Centering, WaveContinuum, Qigong, and Yoga. Dancers have specific training that strengthens their core and legs and gives them a lot of flexibility. Release Technique is one of those pieces of training. This class, adapted for people from all walks of life and age, will strengthen the core and legs, open the joints, unwind, and lengthen the connective tissues. Especially when we get older, it is advisable to engage in muscle-building movements. But do not dry our system, we must stay away from very linear and too strenuous exercise.....


*Dare to Dance

is an invitation to find your joy through movement and dance. Maybe you have always wanted to dance or even work with improvisation, or perhaps you would like to kickstart your creativity. We will do a short warm-up, opening joints and waking up muscle and connective tissue. Then we work with structured movement improvisation to lead into a free open dance space with music that ends in a loving self-care warm down... This is your opportunity to break free and dance. Please try this class for free. Workshops 


This class starts with Qigong sitting on a chair. We first wake up our electromagnetic currents and balance our organs, Lymph system, and energy centers. We incorporate movement that stretches and opens joints, Jin Shin Jyutsu energy locks, Healing Sounds, and self-massage. While seated, we may transition into a Feldenkrais lesson®, which eventually continues and ends on the floor, or transition straight from Qigong to laying down for Feldenkrais.   75 minutes class


*Feldenkrais Maintenance- in the works recorded classes

This class is great if you are a little in a time crunch. It can reset and get you out of tension. It will remind your nervous system to settle and realign your spine and mind. Nice to do after one of the longer stretch classes as well or in combination.

Class passes and details for pricing are below:

'Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.'

'Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so'. 


'What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds and to restore each person to their human dignity.'

 Dr. Feldenkrais