🇺🇸 'Movement is Life':

The Feldenkrais Method® and SmartMoves® in person and online!


🇩🇪 'Bewegung ist Leben': Die Feldenkrais Methode® & SmartMoves! Bitte klicken sie im Menu auf die deutschen Seiten, für mein deutsches Programm.

THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD® created by Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais (1904–1984) aims to reduce pain or limitations in movement and to improve function in all areas of one's life.  By increasing student's self-awareness, smart movement choices can be found, leading to more movement repertoire, quality, and healing. The method can be adapted for all ages, from babies to the elderly, from people with acute pain to athletes, musicians, and dancers who want to perform better and prevent injuries.

 Click here to

Age with grace and live a life of confidence and opportunity!


🇺🇸 The Feldenkrais Method® and SmartMoves

 “My purpose is to allow people to move closer to actually being creatures of free choice, to genuinely reflect individual creativity and emotion, freeing the body of habitual tensions and wired-patterns of behaviour so that it may respond without inhibition to do what the person wants.” Dr.M. Feldenkrais

Weekly Online classes 



Get flexible and resilient in body and mind with efficient smart effortless movements at and for any age.

Feldenkrais/SmartMoves gives you the key to-

  • Heal old and new injuries faster
  • Rid yourself of back, head & neck pain and TMJ,
  • arthritis, ringing in the ear
  • Prevent overuse or wrong use injuries

Feldenkrais/SmartMoves keeps your brain and thinking flexible

You learn to

  • problem solve and how to enjoy your body, movement and life
  • to breath well and age slower

 Excel in life - become the genius you are meant to be

 Improve all functions including 

  • Breathing, standing, sitting, walking, singing, relating,
  • all sports, dance, martial arts, yoga, golf practice, playing an instrument, acting and much more

Improve neurological difficulties from babies to the elderly.


  • Arthritis, Back issues, herniated disc, frozen shoulder, pelvic pain 
  • hip, knee, ankle and foot issues
  • rehabilitate after surgery, stroke and accident


Movement is Life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself!

'Movement is life, life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.'

'Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so'. 


'What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds and to restore each person to their human dignity.'

 Dr. Feldenkrais